Thomas is a Partner at Sassetti LLC, and brings over 35 years of experience to the firm. Prior to joining Sassetti, he worked at a boutique CPA firm in the western suburbs specializing in assisting privately held companies, professional service firms, and real estate entities. He helps individuals and organizations develop comprehensive tax plans. Thomas provides clients with a detailed account of their current financial position and how taxes impact their bottom line with his unique blend of tax, accounting and advisory support.
Phone: (708) 386-1433 x111
Direct: (708) 406-8611
“Business is great and we are looking for more!”
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Tax Member, Illinois CPA Society Member, BDO Alliance Firm Member
Illinois Institute of Technology BS MGMT, DePaul University Various Specialty Tax Classes
Being a grandfather of four beautiful grandchildren. Making a few birdies on the golf course and celebrating with some fine Scotch.
Make a prediction about your industry or the clients you serve.
Sassetti will be a very successful 100+ professional firm providing amazing quality services!
What is it about Accounting that attracted you to the field?
A simple principle attracted me to accounting things had to balance, debits had to equal credits.
What drew you to Sassetti?
Coming from a smaller firm Sassetti was viewed as a more successful firm with very smart, professional and supportive partners with very smart fun loving employees.
Who is someone you look up to (living or passed) and why?
My mom at 87 she is still the matriarch of our family, enjoying twelve grandchildren and five great grandchildren and two more on the way.
Describe your work style.
Work hard and do what it takes to provide the client excellent service. However now with four Grandchildren it will be more delegation and work life balance while still providing quality service.
What is your greatest accomplishment?
While having many personal accomplishments like, being a black belt, competing in triathlons and marathons, wrestling a bear, catching giant Muskies and professional accomplishments, such as passing CPA exam on the first attempt, becoming a partner, helping clients realize their goals, however having a loving, caring fun family and now four Grandchildren is what I am most proud of.
When is it time to give up golf?
You know it’s time to take up fishing when most of your golf shots end up in the water.